National Flood Insurance Program

  • Who needs flood insurance? Everyone. And everyone in a participating community of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) can buy flood insurance. Nationwide, almost 20,000 communities have joined the Program.

Hazard Mitigation Plans

  • Recent regulations emphasize the need for State, Tribal, and local entities to closely coordinate mitigation planning and implementation efforts. The Regional Planning Commissions throughout the state have contracted with the New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NH HSEM) to provide technical support to communities in their region during the formation of hazard mitigation strategies. For the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program, local jurisdictions must have an approved mitigation plan to receive a project grant. Plans approved any time after November 1, 2004 will make communities eligible to receive PDM and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project grants.
  • LRPC has assisted in the development of the following Hazard Mitigation Plans:
    • Approved by FEMA (as of December 2023) - Belmont, Center Harbor, Effingham, Northfield, Sanbornton, Tuftonboro
    • Under development (as of December 2023) - Andover, Bridgewater, Gilmanton, Moultonborough, Tilton, Wolfeboro
Andover 2019
Bridgewater 2015
Gilmanton 2019
Moultonborough 2019
Tilton 2023
Wolfeboro 2019



HMP At-a-Glance (2024)

Mitigation Ideas - FEMA Region 1 (2017)